Friday, March 23, 2007

technorcrati, wikipedia, class material and the law = amazing

I checked out my technocrati blog search on Steven Drozd, and found a long and fairly uninteresting Flaming Lips concert review post on what appeared to be a myspace blog account. As i scrolled through the paragraphs, i saw the infamous video screen with a play button in the center...-A YouTube video, of a concert, of coyprighted music, shown for free, in a post on a myspace blog, found with my technocrati search blog--- truly unremarkable i know, but still it raises the branching Viacom/Google question and the impending force of its implications for even the smallest of internet spaces.
-----investigate here

Wikipedia: Dave Tough_someone out there is talking to me

My wiki article on Dave Tough has been receiving numerous attached notes- asking to be "redirected?" to another article on Dave Tough. This obviously noteworthy other article has two lines on it, both of which are on the edit i have contributed to. I just found it odd, and wasn't sure how to communicate with the other wiki writer, and wondered if anyone else had experienced something similar.
I'm just happy he didn't erase it - i read in some classmate blogs that a few found out rather abruptly their edit or in some cases whole articles, were entirely edited out of the wikiworld.
-that's a tough break, hearts are breaking all across campus i'm sure

Also i have been having trouble getting a picture on the DTough edit, so i thought i would at least show it here. It like a sad little slice of electronic Grauman's Chinese Theatre - without the hands, or popularity.

Class Material: more with Marketing Research

Since before spring break everyone is surely thinking of next year's classes -
If anyone took a particular interest in Marketing Research after studying for our mid-term - I thought I would recommend a course I had a few semesters ago.
Professor Andrews teaches a pretty indepth but very accessible course in Marketing Research.
He provides a course that clearly defines the spectrum of MR possibilites, while through some limited case work helps to recognize the benefits, difficulties and underlying characteristics of numerous methods. I learned quite a bit, enjoyed the course and despite attendance being optional, he happens to be a fairly nice, and often funny guy - in a dry louisana kind of way.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

groupmate blog comment: celebrity news_ 1and1/3 of Van Halen at RRHF induction

Since a groupmate had an interest in celebrity gossip - I wasn't sure if her or anyone in class saw the rock and roll hall of fame.
Van halen was inducted (among many others), but was only represented by Michael Anthony and Sammy Hagar. Not only was the classic DLR m.i.a. but both brothers were absent due to family difficulties. These private difficulties were then made awlfully public by Sammy tastelessly repeating how Eddie was in rehab. -continuing to say how Eddie would come out the otherside a better person, and how he would have finally have his buddy back - in the usual
self-righteous Sammy Hagar tone.
the ceremony trudged on as an unenthusiastic introduction and a short (luckily mostly Neil Zlozower) photo montage of Van Halen aired followed by a lackluster velvet revolver tribute.
the whole thing was such a shame

- read more about celebrity doings from a classmate @

Saturday, March 17, 2007

the not so secret ingredients

Recently, with the bigger buzz of open-source and intellectual property laws, much of corporate marketing seems to be playing defense. As consumers and the like increase their bargaining power, many firms have continued to restrict access to protect their marketshare.This link
provides an article highlighting two beverage companies that reveal all their secret ingredients as well as some production methods. It will be interesting to see what reaction the consumer marketplace takes to the all-access beverages, and how competitors will react structurally and/or promotionally.

wikipedia: Drozd edit/addition

I've added some info on his prefered equipment, the current touring drummer and some background on his early experiences in a musical family.

Friday, March 9, 2007

spacey technology from slashdot

NASA has plans to develop an InterPlaNET to link real-time Mars Discovery information back to earth at NASA- currently NASA's definition of "real-time" includes a 20 minute delay. It will be pretty remarkable to witness NASA's innovations in space time transmissions.

Also the Spitzer Space Telescope has recently acquired the capacity to look at planets outside our solar system (exoplanets) - and with that will be able to identify "signatures" of life on the distant surfaces.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

req.class blogs : Is Click Fraud really 0.02% Of Google Clicks?

After checking out some of John Batelle's listings - I found an article that discussed a bit of our ad/click fraud class material in much greater detail.
It explained some statistic generalizations and helped to clarify a topic of many definitions and concerns.

Also did anyone see the lunar eclipse - i just heard about it